Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Tips To Protect Personal Data From Hackers

Tips To Protect Personal Data From Hackers

Tips To Protect Personal Data From Hackers

Tips To Protect Personal Data From Hackers : Technological advances like now sometimes require us to upload personal data to the internet both social media or others. Information disclosure becomes one of the spaces for irresponsible people.

Social media that we use often can also be one of the doors for Hackers to access your information. Therefore, you also need to know information that is often stolen by hackers .

So you don't worry too much you should also know about the workings of the Hackers so you can always be vigilant.

Well, this time Smart Tips will provide some special tips for you to avoid hacker attacks. What are the tips? Check this article to the end!

Tips to Protect Personal Data from Hackers

It is important for you to protect your personal data so that it is not misused by irresponsible people. Here are tips you can practice to protect your personal data:

1. Use a Strong Password

Use a strong password
Use a strong password

The first step is to create a password that is safe from hacker attacks . Use a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and other signs.

As much as possible avoid the date of birth yes guys, because it will be easily guessed by people who are not responsible.

Also Read: Top 10 Best Hacking Apps For Android

2. Limit Personal Information to Social Media

Limit personal information to social media
Limit personal information to social media

Ease of access to social media can also be one of the loopholes for Hackers to be abused. Because the information provided by social media is very open to the general public.

So, to limit the steps of Hackers you can do is to limit personal information to your social media.

3. Use Bidirectional Verification

Use bidirectional verification
Use bidirectional verification

The next tip for anticipating hackers is to use two-way verification. By using this method you will avoid people who want to try to enter your social media account to dig up additional information for their benefit.

4. Install Antivirus on the Laptop / PC 

Use antivirus
Use antivirus

It is important that you install antivirus for smartphones and antivirus for laptops / PCs . Because with the antivirus you can avoid dangerous malware that can read information on your laptop / PC.

Antivirus can also protect you from dangerous websites or malware that can access your personal info.

5. Always Use HTTPS Extensions when Browsing

Always use HTTPS extensions
Always use HTTPS extensions

Always use the HTTPS extension because websites that use this extension are encrypted to transfer information between the database and the website and this makes it difficult for the Hacker to get the information he wants.

By using this method it is certain that the website you visit has no harmful malware that will open your personal information.

6. Don't Click on Suspicious Links

Don't click on suspicious links
Don't click on suspicious links

Avoid dangerous links guys, don't just click links distributed on social media that offer prizes or coupons with prizes. Because it is feared that the link contains dangerous phishing .

Phishing is a link made by hackers to tap your data. The way it works is when you click on the link the Hackers will infiltrate your smartphone to steal the personal data he needs.

Well, there you go, guys these are some smart tips from that you can avoid Hacker attacks that a smart friend can do. It's easy? Write in the comments column, okay!! 

Good Luck!! 

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